City Collusion Unveiled: Fate Tribune Exposes Election Interference

City Collusion Unveiled: Fate Tribune Exposes Election Interference

Fate, TX – The Fate Tribune has unearthed a disturbing instance of government abuse within the City of Fate. Behind closed doors at Fate City Hall, a scheme was hatched to sway the upcoming city council election, implicating city officials in a gross misuse of their governmental positions for political gain.

The controversy centers around a seemingly innocuous Facebook post celebrating the ground breaking for a new local restaurant, “Sauce & Vine.” However, this post took a nefarious turn by listing the names of council members who approved the project in 2020, a move unprecedented in the city’s history.

Within minutes of the city posting the content on Facebook, John Hamilton, a Democrat and member of the secret organization of Free Masons, linked to it and proudly mentioned his involvement. This swift action suggests there may have been a coordination between city officials and the Hamilton campaign… or at least a tacit understanding.

The motive behind this brazen act of election interference appears to be the advancement of Hamilton’s candidacy. By strategically including his name among the council members involved in approving the project, city officials sought to bolster his image and sway public opinion in his favor. The Fate Tribune searched the archives back 3 years and has not found a single example where the city has acknowledged the members of the council who approved any project in a public announcement.

Hamilton’s alignment with the City’s “Comprehensive Plan,” which includes the expansion of more multi-family housing within the city, provides the motive for the city to passively endorse his campaign over his opponent, Mark Hatley, who opposes the unregulated advancement of multi-family zoning. This alignment suggests a potential conflict of interest with Hamilton, as he most assuredly will comply with the city’s “Strong Towns” agenda, rather than the interests of the citizens Hamilton is supposed to represent.

Through an “Open Records Request” and diligent investigative journalism, the Fate Tribune uncovered the trail of emails implicating Steven Downs, Assistant City Manager. Public Engagement Coordinator Shelbi Stofer crafted the initial post, as is her job. The post was then reviewed by the Assistant City Manager, who advised her to include the names of all the council members who approved the project in 2019. Unaware of those members, Stofer reached out to Deputy City Secretary Samantha Harris, who gave her the list, which included that of John Hamilton, candidate for City Council Place 5 in the May election.

This flagrant abuse of governmental authority not only undermines the democratic principles upon which our society is built but also erodes the public’s trust in their elected and appointed officials. Steven Downs must be held accountable for his egregious breach of ethics, and swift and decisive action must be taken to rectify the damage done to the integrity of the electoral process.

The Fate Tribune calls upon the citizens of Fate to demand transparency, accountability, and ethical conduct from their government officials. Anything less would be a disservice to the democratic ideals upon which our nation stands.

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