Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Can I submit content or suggestions?


The Fate Tribune will accept third-party content for publication as a guest contributor. Writers must follow our journalistic standards and all content must be approved before publication.

Contact for more information.

Does the Fate Tribune accept “off the record” comments?

Yes … In some circumstances.

If specifically advised that the comments are “off the record” we will accept it as such and will treat the source as anonymous. Unless the source is an elected official. WE HAVE NO OFF-THE-RECORD PROVISIONS FOR ELECTED LEADERS. Anything a public official says to us will be quotable … period. As far as we are concerned, you were elected by the people, serve the people, and you are not entitled to privacy.

Unless otherwise affirmed, all conversations with the Fate Tribune at any event or place is considered “On the Record”. That’s just the way it is.

How can I identify someone working for the Fate Journal?

Just like every employee from any news agency, all employees of the Fate Tribune are required to wear their identification badges when engaging with the public.

The identification will have a black bar with the words, “Trophy Club Media” (Our parent company) at the top. It will have the employee’s picture on the left side, their name, a physical description of them (Height, weight, age), and will have the word “PRESS” written vertically on the right side. It will be laminated and have an embossed holographic image on the face.

The reason for wearing identification in public is so that when an employee has a conversation with someone, it will be understood that the conversation could be on the record.

We wear identification so that the public sees we are legitimate, professional, and transparent. We don’t sneak around. We are always up front about our intentions.

How does the Fate Tribune handle photographs?

The Fate Tribune often attends public events and gatherings in order to report on the event and foster a better community. At these events, we may take photographs or videos of the people at the event. It is during the post-processing and pre-publication phase that the decision is made on how to use the imagery gathered.

Typically images are broken down into three categories. Wide shots, Medium shots and Close up shots.

The wide shots are intended to identify the venue time and place and capture the broad picture of the event. In this view, most people, including children, are not easily identifiable. We often use these images in our content without reservation.

In medium shots, faces may be discernible. These shots might include people that are engaging in conversation, sports, or action-related activities. At this distance images of children would not be published without permission from the parent or guardian. We may publish images of adults without permission … however if requested to remove an image we would honor that request.

In close-up shots, a person is presumed to be identifiable if the face is visible. This is generally some sort of portrait style of photography. For these images, the Fate Tribune may ask the subject for permission to take the photograph if it is conducive to doing so. However, unless a person gives us a wave off, or turns away, we will assume consent is given. A nod or an intentional pose for the camera would also be considered permission and just as valid as a verbal “yes”.

In all situations, our goal is to be respectful of others and when requested we will not use the photograph for publication. However, there are some exceptions where we may choose to publish a photograph or video without permission.

Any image that was taken within the Town Hall or any other meeting where official town business is conducted is subject to use, without permission from the subject. This includes any public official, employee, or private person attending the event with the exception of children. Images of children would not be published without permission of the parent or guardian unless the image is a wide shot where identification is not likely.

Also, any sort of ‘Breaking news” story can be photographed and published without seeking permission. As always, we try to be respectful.

It’s important to restate that during the event we WILL take the photograph because one never knows which photo will be relevant to a story and it’s not like you can go back and take another photo. It is only AFTER the event when the story is written that the photo is evaluated for publication.

How does the Fate Tribune lean politically?

Conservative, with a Libertarian tilt.

We do not pick a side when it comes to Democrats or Republicans per se’ but like bigfoot, we have yet to find a Conservative Democrat in the woods. We do find plenty of Republican RINOs wandering around that we also do not support and we will not hesitate to call them out.

We believe in the U.S. Constitution; Liberty; Freedom of the Press; God & Country as well as, “Live and Let Live … but if you try to take my rights I will take you out” philosophy.

We do not apologize, make excuses, or feel any need to explain our political views. If you don’t agree with this then there are dozens of squishy, leftist-run newspapers for you to follow. Or you can go start your own in Fate.

Yes … you may find this perspective written as subtext in any article on this website. We are upfront about it and brutally honest. Again, if this doesn’t fit with your interpretation of our form of journalism, then you are welcome to move on. We wish you the best.

How does the Fate Tribune use images from other copyright holders?

The Fate Tribune may use imagery obtained from third parties or from various public sources and use those images in related content. We follow the “Fair Use” doctrine.

The fair use doctrine in the law of the United States permits limited use of copyrighted material without having to first acquire permission from the copyright holder.

Fair use is one of the limitations to copyright intended to balance the interests of copyright holders with the public interest in the wider distribution and use of creative works by allowing as a defense to copyright infringement claims certain limited uses that might otherwise be considered infringement.

Examples of fair use in United States copyright law include commentary, search engines, criticism, parody, news reporting, research, and scholarship. Fair use provides for the legal, unlicensed citation or incorporation of copyrighted material in another author’s work.

Is the Fate Tribune a Newspaper or Blog?

Technically, it’s a blog… for now. At this time we don’t have a printed publication for distribution. But we hope to get there in the future. Over time we will be adding guest contributors and other authors. If readership can expand enough we can add advertising and pay for full-time writers. But until then … well, is just Michael Pipkins and some temps.


What are the Fate Tribune’s ethical standards?

The Fate Tribune has a general ethical standard to only publish facts that are verifiable and provable. We will only publish content that has proof via documents or has testimony from 2 or more independent sources.

However, we often report on persons or events that are often controversial and less than flattering to the subject of the story. This is a result of the content-related facts and is the result of the subject’s involvement with the content. The short version is that sometimes people do bad things…. even good people. Our job is to report, not judge the moral implications of the story. The Fate Tribune is the messenger of the events … not the cause of them.

Who Owns the Fate Tribune?

The Fate Tribune is owned and operated by Trophy Club Media, which is owned by Michael E. Pipkins.

Michael has been publishing since 2012 and has owned dozens of websites. Through Trophy Club Media he currently owns and manages the Trophy Club Voice, the Trophy Club Journal & the Texas Liberty Journal.