Petro-Hunt and Stillwater Capital Unveil Apartments & Commercial Development Plans in Fate

Petro-Hunt and Stillwater Capital Unveil Apartments & Commercial Development Plans in Fate

Public Expresses Concerns Over Lack of Details and Impact on City Services

FATE, TX – Last night, October 5, 2023, the Chamberlain Amenity Center played host to a presentation by Petro-Hunt in association with Stillwater Capital regarding their proposed development project. The developer seeks a Planned Development (PD) designation, which would grant them significant autonomy in setting their own development rules. However, concerns have emerged over the vagueness of their presentation and the potential consequences for the Fate community.

The key highlights of the presentation are as follows:

  1. Mixed-Use Development: The project is anticipated to comprise a three story apartment building with approximately 375 apartments, though the exact number remains uncertain. It will also include townhouses, though specifics were not provided. Additionally, the apartments will feature business storefronts or “Live/Work” units with 10 ft. high ceilings. The developer was unconvinced even in their own presentation that “Live / Work” units were even in demand….they ‘think’ so… but there is always the option to convert those units entirely into ordinary apartments.
  2. Retail and Commercial Areas: The project’s retail and commercial areas were described as placeholders, with the developer not committing to a timeline for their construction. These undeveloped “pads” could remain vacant for an indefinate period.
  3. Trail to Nowhere: The developer plans to install a trail between their property and the creek that runs to the north, which connects to nowhere except the public sidewalk at the intersection of 551 & Greenbrier Road, across from the Fresh market. Concerns were raised by citizens about the developers lack of a maintenance plan. It appears maintance of the trail will be at the responsibility and cost to the city (ie: taxpayers).
  4. Financial Contributions: Critics pointed out that the project appears to contribute little to the community beyond some additional tax revenue. There were no commitments to funding parks, police, fire services, or schools. The possibility of contributing to a traffic light was mentioned, but “only if deemed necessary by TXdot”. They presented that they would be widening the road, as if that was a benefit to the town. However it was quickly pointed out by the Fate Tribune that the widening of the road was for the developers own benefit because without this development, there would be no need to widen the road.
  5. School Impact: The developer did not offer any solice for how their project would impact local schools, leaving many residents worried about potential overcrowding.
  6. Housing and Pricing: The project is not receiving Housing and Urban Development (HUD) funding or loan guarantees, and the anticipated market rate for the apartments is approximately $1800 per month.
  7. Retail uncertain: The types of businesses for the retail spaces remain uncertain, including whether any might feature live music. They ‘hope’ there will restaurants … but they don’t know.
  8. Retail Pad Sizes: The retail pads in the development are expected to range from 6000 to 10000 square feet. One set of retail pads will have a green space connecting them. They ‘hope’ that this will encourage restaurants.
  9. PD Design Documents: While the developer claimed to have PD design documents ready for submission, these documents were not presented to the public during the forum. The type of exterior materials that will be mandated by the PD (if any) are unknown. The design criteria is unknown. The parking requirements are unknown. Signage unknown. Yet, supposedly the documents are ready to submit…it should be interesting to see what they contain.
  10. Parking: The developer stated that the parking provided is based on their own assessment of the parking that would be needed and not upon any instruction from city staff.
  11. Increase in Crime: Citizens proposed that history has shown that apartments increase crime in the area. The presenters listened to the publics concerns, however they had no rebuttal to offer.

Notably absent from the presentation was information regarding any potential incentives the developer might be receiving from the city. Unfortunately, we failed in our regard to pose this question. We appologize to our readers for this oversight but we will find out before the issue comes before council.

Councilman Mark Harper
Karen Kaiser, P&Z Commissioner

Councilman Mark Harper and P&Z Councilmember Karen Kiser were present at the meeting, and it was revealed that the development will be presented to the P&Z Board on October 19, 2023. If it secures approval at that stage, it will then proceed to the City Council for a vote. It should be noted that the previously stated date of November 13, 2023, for City Council consideration is now uncertain. The Fate Tribune will continue to closely monitor this development as it progresses through the approval process, and we encourage citizens to engage with their local representatives to seek clarity on the various concerns raised during the presentation.
