Mayor David Billings and Councilman Mark Harper Caught in Alleged Deception Over Zone Change Support

Mayor David Billings and Councilman Mark Harper Caught in Alleged Deception Over Zone Change Support

Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire

Fate, TX – The Fate Tribune began an investigation into comments made by Mayor David Billings and Councilman Mark Harper over zone changes reveals potential deception within the City Council. Our Open Records Request (ORR), submitted on December 13, 2023, aimed to scrutinize claims made by Billings and Harper regarding widespread support for zone changes since September 1, 2023. The response we received on December 18, 2023, starkly stated, “No records exist. Your request has been closed.”

Refusing to accept this as the final word, the Fate Tribune probed deeper, requesting all emails and public comment forms for the same period. The findings cast doubt on the narrative presented by Mayor Billings and Councilman Mark Harper. Public records indicate that officially, Nineteen emails and sixteen public comment forms opposed the proposed introduction of apartments, directly contradicting the Council’s assertions of substantial support. There was no record of a single email in support provided to any Councilmen.

Councilman Harper faces heightened scrutiny due to his statements on Facebook. Initially boasting about receiving 50 supportive emails (immediately revised to “about 30” when confronted), our investigation now exposes his claims as false. Adding to the intrigue, after our ORR was submitted, Councilman Harper [may have] deleted his comments on Facebook, a move [that if true, would] raise eyebrows and intensif[y] concerns about the integrity of this councilman. {Reference correction below.}

Mayor Billings’ assinine assertion that the lack of vocal support is equivalent to a broad based community support, further exacerbates the situation. Aparantly, a room full of angry citizens and a stack full of email in opposition represents, in Mayor Billings mind, a “minority” of the community. Somehow, without any evidence, Billings is able to ‘mind read’ the actual will of the community, and feels he must act accordingly.

But the facts are that the Fate Tribune’s comprehensive request for all emails or letters expressing support for zone changes since September 1, 2023, yielded no records, intensifying skepticism regarding the credibility of the City Council’s proclamations. Not a single person of the community, except for members of the City Council, have shown any official support for additional multi-family housing in Fate, TX.

It is important to recognize that the City Council did vote, unamiously, to reject the zone change proposed by Petro-Hunt… but at the same time they left the door open for the developer to return. So, as Fate residents grapple with uncertainty about the decisions shaping their community’s future with the current council, the Fate Tribune pledges to persist in keeping the public informed and holding elected officials accountable.

Voices of Concern: Fate Residents Speak Out Against Zoning Changes

Among the 35 comments the City received in opposition to the zone change and apartments, a few seem to stand out from the rest. While we are choosing not to publish the email in their entirety in order to protect their privacy (even though the email is public record), we feel abliged to publish a summary of their general comments.

Kathy D., urged the City Council to reconsider the proposed zoning change, advocating for the allocation of prime land solely for commercial use. In her email, she suggests a vision akin to the Allen Premium Outlet Mall, emphasizing the potential economic benefits and increased tax revenue for Fate.

Keith W., expresses deep concern about the potential approval of a zoning change that may contribute to what he perceives as the degradation of Fate’s character. Referencing a previous development called Prose, he implores the City Council not to vote in favor of the proposed zoning change by Petrohunt, emphasizing the need to preserve the community’s charm.

Jordan D., a recent transplant to Fate, shares his experience of moving to escape the impact of apartments in another city. He highlights the adverse effects on property values and infrastructure and advocates for maximizing real estate for commercial developments that would draw visitors and revenue into Fate.

Denise and Tom voice their strong opposition to building apartments across from Chamberlain Crossing. They stress the need for strictly commercial use in that area and express concerns about the potential negative impacts of apartments on traffic, property maintenance, and the overall quality of life in Fate.

Tom C., also a resident of Williamsburg, adds his voice to the chorus of opposition, requesting the City Council not to accept the zoning change to mixed-use development. He raises concerns about the strain on infrastructure, potential decreases in property values, and the perceived differences in pride of ownership between apartment dwellers and single-family homeowners.

These emails are but a few that reflect a growing sentiment among Fate residents who fear the consequences of increased residential development and are urging the City Council to prioritize commercial projects that align with the community’s character and needs. As the Fate Tribune continues its investigation, these voices will undoubtedly play a crucial role in shaping the ongoing discourse surrounding future attempts at zone changes in Fate.


CORRECTION: Mark Harper has advised us that he has not deleted his comments from Facebook. For reasons unknown to us, we continue to be unable to view those comments. However, in the interest of fairness we will accept his assertion and present that our original reporting may be in error with this regard.
