City of Fate’s Costly Affair with Progressive Planning Firm

City of Fate’s Costly Affair with Progressive Planning Firm

The Fate Tribune has uncovered a pattern of egregious misuse of taxpayer funds by the City of Fate, TX. Over the past decade, an exorbitant sum totaling $315,662.50 has been siphoned off the city budget to a company named “Verdunity” under the guise of creating and implementing the city’s Comprehensive Plan. This revelation raises serious questions about the stewardship of public resources and the alignment of city policies with the values and preferences of its citizens.

Verdunity, as advertised on their website, unabashedly caters to “progressive city leaders,” offering services that prioritize ideologies such as “civic vitality” and “long-term sustainability” over practical, citizen-centric solutions. Their mantra of “fiscally-based planning” appears to be a thinly veiled cover for advancing a partisan agenda that does not resonate with the predominantly conservative electorate of Fate.

Under the leadership of Ryan Wells, Director of Planning and Development, and with the blessing of City Manager Michael Kovacs, both known progressives, the City of Fate has blindly followed the Verdunity model. This despite the fact that Wells and the Planning and Zoning Commission should have possessed the requisite expertise and resources to fulfill their duties without outsourcing to a third party and spending over $300,000 in taxpayer funds.

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Verdunity’s purported commitment to “Natural Systems and Green Infrastructure” and “Economic Gardening and Incremental Development” may sound appealing on the surface, but these policies are code words to describe the increased density of multi-family housing and prioritizing a pedestrian centric infrastructure of that of motor vehicles.

It is evident that the interests of Fate’s citizens have been sacrificed at the altar of progressivism, with little regard for fiscal responsibility or ideological diversity. The Fate Tribune calls upon city officials to be divest their dealings with Verdunity and to prioritize the needs and values of citizens over that of leftist ideology with the urbanization of Fate.

In the wake of this scandal, it is imperative that Fate residents demand greater accountability from their elected representatives and ensure that taxpayer funds are used judiciously for the betterment of the community, not the advancement of a partisan agenda.

Exclusive Graphics: Examples from Verdunity CEO’s Twitter Feed

As a testament to the close relationship between the City of Fate and Verdunity, the Fate Tribune presents three revealing screenshots from the Twitter feed of Verdunity CEO Kevin Shepherd. These graphics offer a glimpse into the mindset and agenda driving the company that has been entrusted with shaping Fate’s future. From progressive ideologies to partisan endorsements, these tweets shed light on the motivations behind the city’s dubious expenditures. Take a closer look below to see for yourself the ideologies at play behind the scenes.

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