Exposed: Fate City Council Candidate’s Secret Society Ties!

Exposed: Fate City Council Candidate’s Secret Society Ties!

Candidate John Hamilton’s Shadowy Affiliations Cast Doubt on Transparency

As Fate gears up for its upcoming council elections, the candidacy of John Hamilton for Place 5 has stirred a whirlwind of debate and scrutiny, especially in light of his past affiliations and allegiances. Hamilton, a staunch Democrat, presents himself as a figure of experience and forward-thinking leadership, drawing upon his previous role as a councilman and his professional background. However, recent revelations regarding his involvement with secretive organizations have cast doubt on his commitment to transparency and accountability.

In addition to his political affiliations, Hamilton’s ties to the secretive cult, or fraternity, known as the Fate Masonic Lodge #802 have raised eyebrows among Fate residents. Hamilton holds the esteemed position of Junior Warden (3rd in charge) within this organization and has been granted the level of “Master Mason”, which was bestowed upon him by the enigmatic “Knights of Mecca”. The nature of these secretive groups, operating in the shadows, has prompted speculation about Hamilton’s intentions and the potential implications for his candidacy.


Some residents fear that Hamilton’s association with the Masonic Lodge could signify a willingness to bring the culture of secrecy and elitism associated with such organizations into the realm of municipal governance. The clandestine rituals practiced by groups like the Freemasons and the “Knights of Mecca” stand in stark contrast to the principles of openness and transparency that are integral to effective democratic governance. The Freemasons of today are far removed from those of 1776. Concerns have been raised that Hamilton’s allegiance to these secretive organizations may compromise his ability to represent the interests of all Fate residents fairly and transparently.

Despite Hamilton’s campaign rhetoric emphasizing community engagement and fiscal responsibility, the shadow of his affiliations with secretive organizations looms large over his candidacy. Hamilton has refused to engage with the Fate Tribune to answer questions for our readers… ever more secrecy. While he may present a vision of progress and prosperity for Fate, questions remain about the extent to which his allegiances to organizations like the Masonic Lodge may influence his decision-making and governance style.

Hamilton, previously served as a councilman from 2019 to 2022, and has positioned himself as a leader advocating for innovation, community collaboration, and forward-thinking governance. However, his past actions and policy decisions have come under scrutiny, particularly in relation to the Fate Comprehensive Plan and the contentious issue of multi-family housing.

During Hamilton’s previous term, he played a pivotal role in the establishment of policies that facilitated the construction of thousands of apartments in Fate. This influx of multi-family housing has had a profound impact on the community, altering its very fabric and leading to widespread discontent among residents who oppose such developments. Despite vocal opposition, Hamilton remained steadfast in his support for these initiatives, effectively disregarding the will of the people he was elected to represent.

Furthermore, Hamilton’s decision to resign from his position in 2022, ostensibly to allow for the early commencement of a newly elected council member, Lance Megyesi, raises questions about his commitment to fulfilling his responsibilities as a public servant, as well as potential collusion with a coordinated Council succession. While his resignation may have been framed as an act of deference to his successor, it also conveniently absolved him of any further accountability for the policies he helped implement.

As Fate residents prepare to cast their votes on May 4, 2024, they must carefully consider the implications of Hamilton’s shadowy affiliations, his unwillingness to engage is civil debate, and what these actions may portend for the future of their community. Transparency and accountability are paramount in municipal governance, and residents must weigh whether Hamilton’s ties to secretive organizations align with these principles or represent a potential threat to the democratic process.

For those seeking further information about John Hamilton or his campaign, he states that he can be reached via Facebook. That’s what he says, however, if you are associated with the Fate Tribune or you are an opponent of his policies, it’s unlikely that he will acknowledge you. Perhaps that’s the Masonic way?

Fate residents are urged to scrutinize Hamilton’s candidacy closely and to consider the broader implications of his affiliations with secretive organizations on the future of their community.

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