Fate Mayor Deception: Lafayette Crossings did NOT get DPS approval

Fate Mayor Deception: Lafayette Crossings did NOT get DPS approval

FATE, TX – In yet another scandalous revelation, Mayor David Billings’ claim that all new development projects require sign-off from the Department of Public Services (DPS) has been unequivocally debunked. The controversial Lafayette Crossings development, which has faced significant opposition from Fate residents, was approved without the alleged mandatory DPS sign-off, according to documents obtained through an Open Records Request.

On April 30, 2024, an Open Records Request was submitted to the City of Fate seeking all emails and documentation showing DPS approval for the Lafayette Crossings project. The response, signed by City Attorney Cynthia Kirchoff, was a simple but damning statement: “no records exist.” This clear and concise response from the City Attorney’s Office indicates that the DPS did not provide the sign-off that Mayor Billings asserted was a prerequisite for development project approvals.

Mayor Billings’ assertion was a bold-faced lie designed to placate an increasingly skeptical and concerned public. Residents of Fate have been vocal in their opposition to the Lafayette Crossings project, a mixed-use development that they argue would bring undue congestion, strain on local resources, and alter the character of their community. Despite this public outcry, the City Council voted in favor of the project, and Mayor Billings falsely assured citizens that all necessary safety and service checks were in place.

This revelation is not just an isolated incident but rather a part of a troubling pattern of deceit from Mayor Billings. His administration has repeatedly been caught in webs of lies and half-truths, undermining the trust and transparency that are supposed to be the bedrock of local governance.

The lack of DPS sign-off on Lafayette Crossings is particularly egregious because it exposes a significant breach in protocol and public trust. The Department of Public Services, including the police chief, plays a crucial role in assessing the potential impact of new developments on public safety and community well-being. By bypassing this critical step, the City Council and Mayor Billings have demonstrated a blatant disregard for the welfare of Fate’s residents.

Council members who voted for the Lafayette Crossings project are now under scrutiny for their complicity in this process. It raises questions about their motivations and whether there were any undisclosed incentives or pressures that influenced their decision.

The citizens of Fate deserve better. They deserve a mayor and a city council that are honest, transparent, and genuinely committed to serving the public interest. Instead, they have been saddled with leadership that prioritizes personal agendas and deceptive practices over the community’s well-being.

Mayor Billings must be held accountable for this lie and the broader pattern of dishonesty that has characterized his tenure. The residents of Fate must demand transparency and integrity from their elected officials. This latest revelation should serve as a catalyst for change, driving home the need for a thorough investigation into the Mayor’s conduct and the practices of the City Council.

As the community grapples with this betrayal, it is imperative that citizens stay informed and engaged. The Fate Tribune will continue to investigate and report on these issues, shining a light on corruption and holding those in power accountable. The future of Fate depends on it.

*Update: Mayor and Council Backtrack on Development Plan Approval Amid Controversy

Following the publication of our investigative report, the Mayor and Council have attempted to clarify the misleading statement by Mayor Billings regarding the approval process for the Lafayette Crossing development. Initially, Mayor Billings asserted that “All development plans undergo scrutiny and approval by the city’s leadership team and Fate Department of Public Safety (DPS).” However, they now claim that the Council merely approved a zoning change for Lafayette Crossing and that the detailed development plans have yet to undergo review by the Fire Marshal.

This sudden shift in narrative raises serious questions about the integrity of the Mayor and Council’s communications. If the Council’s approval was limited to a zoning change, as they now insist, then the detailed plans and discussions surrounding the project were essentially a facade, with no binding commitments. This means the developer could potentially deviate significantly from the proposed plans, altering the project in ways the public was not informed about.

Two possibilities emerge from this situation:

  1. Deliberate Deception: The Mayor might have knowingly misled the public to quell opposition, implying comprehensive scrutiny and approval while relying on a technicality to deflect criticism later. This scenario suggests a calculated attempt to manipulate public perception, using DPS Director Lyle Lombard’s statement as a shield. It remains to be seen whether Lombard’s statement was made under pressure.
  2. Genuine Miscommunication: Alternatively, if the Mayor and Council’s current claims are accurate, it reveals a troubling lack of transparency and opens the possibility for significant changes to the development plans post-approval. With the zoning change secured, the developer holds substantial leverage and could alter the project’s scope and design, potentially selling the land to new owners who could pursue entirely different development objectives.

In either case, the public deserves clear and honest communication from their elected officials. The Mayor and Council must address these discrepancies and provide transparent explanations for their actions regarding the Lafayette Crossing development. The community’s trust hinges on their accountability and commitment to integrity in managing development projects.
