Fate Tribune Presents: Unveiling the Local City Council Candidates’ Platforms

Fate Tribune Presents: Unveiling the Local City Council Candidates’ Platforms

As the city gears up for the forthcoming elections, the fate of our community lies in the hands of those who aspire to lead it. With fervent anticipation, the Fate Tribune reached out to the contenders vying for seats on the local city council, asking them to present their platforms to the public in the Fate Tribune.

Two of the candidates, Codi Chinn and Mark Hatley, heeded the call. Recognizing the paramount importance of transparency and accountability in governance. These candidates, driven by a steadfast commitment to the welfare of our community, have embraced the opportunity to articulate their visions, values, and plans for the future.

It’s imperative to note that the statements presented are directly from the candidates’ campaigns and have not been redacted or edited in by the Fate Tribune.

Another candidate, Cinnamon Krauss, expressed interest in providing her campaign materials. However, Mrs. Krauss was unable to provide her statements in time for publication, even though we went out of our way to delay publication and also gave her an additional time extension.

Additionally absent from this publication are the platforms of Heather Buegeler, John Hamilton and Adam Jones. These candidates have chosen the cloak of silence over the call of civic engagement. Despite both public and private invitations, they have regrettably opted to withhold their platforms from public scrutiny, leaving constituents in the dark about their intentions and convictions. What kind of candidate would pass up the opportunity to reach thousands of citizens with an unedited direct message? Surely none that would be deserving of your vote we would argue.

Codi Chinn – Place 1

As a proud Texan, born and raised, and a resident of Fate who has passionately called this place home since 2015, I’m stepping forward to serve you on the Fate City Council Place 1. My journey to this moment has been unconventional, fueled by a deep love for our community and a fierce desire to protect and enhance the place we call home.

My husband, a 100% disabled Purple Heart recipient and former tank commander, and I chose Fate for its small-town charm, the tight-knit community, and the promise of excellent education through the Rockwall ISD for our children. For years, we reveled in the peace and beauty our town offered, especially the serene lake views that became a backdrop to our family’s happiest moments. But, as the world changed around us, especially during the pandemic, so did my perspective on how our community was being led.

Suddenly, I found myself in the role of teacher to our three wonderful children, navigating the complexities of remote learning while juggling work from my home salon. It was during this time I discovered issues in our children’s curriculum that alarmed me, pushing me into the realm of civic engagement—a realm I never imagined I’d step into. My background as a double major in History and Political Science from Texas A&M, with a focus on foreign policy and Islamic history, provided me with the analytical skills to understand the broader implications of these local decisions. Yet, it was my role as a mother that drove me to act.

My entrance into public advocacy began with school board meetings, where my husband and I, both previously non-political, voiced our concerns over the direction of our children’s education. What I encountered was a bureaucracy more concerned with preserving its image than addressing the needs of its students and parents. This disregard for community input and the overt bullying tactics used by current council members against those who dare to challenge the status quo convinced me that change was not just necessary; it was imperative.

In January 2023, a pivotal moment came when the city council considered granting a special exemption for a registered sex offender near a local school. This, alongside other community concerns—like the unchecked development invading our privacy, the lack of support for small businesses, and the blatant disregard for voters’ voices on critical issues—highlighted the urgent need for leadership that truly represents the people of Fate.

As a hair stylist for 20 years and a small business owner, I’ve had the privilege of listening to countless stories from the heart of our community. These stories, combined with my personal experiences and the challenges our family has faced, have galvanized me to run for city council. My campaign is not about political ambition; it’s about bringing our community’s voice to the forefront, ensuring our safety, protecting our values, and fostering a transparent, responsive government that serves its people first and foremost.

I am Codi Chinn, and I am running to be that change. Despite the intimidation and opposition from those comfortable with the status quo, I stand ready to fight for what is right. I believe in our community’s strength, in our shared values, and in our ability to come together to shape the future of Fate. This election is just the beginning. Together, we can transform our council, hold our leaders accountable, and ensure our city remains a place we are proud to call home.

Join me on May 4th. Let’s make our voices heard and take the first step toward a brighter future for Fate.

Mark Hatley – Place 5

Lindsay Roberts Stoller had asked questions of all the candidates on another page. Will also post my answers here . Thank you for the questions Lindsay!

Lindsay, I would be happy to respond. 

My name is Mark Hatley and I am running for the Fate City Council Place 5 on May 4, 2024.

1. Do you support additional high density residential housing? Why do you support or not support it? (I’m not talking about Lafayette Crossing, but beyond that into the future) _______________

My answer is no.  I do not support any further high density housing at this time.

For well over a decade here in Fate, residential has been built well out of proportion with infrastructure, schools, and retail to balance the lifestyle of Fate.  We already have over 2,000 rental community, multi-family apartments, townhomes, cottages, and bungalows, that have been approved to move forward in Fate.   With all that mass density, we will need retail, police/fire, schools, roads, etc. to maintain and upkeep our infrastructure.

Developers always bring lopsided proposals with 70% to 80% residential and 20% to 30% retail.

Right now with all of the tax revenue we receive and with all the property taxes of the mass amount of residential we have that only accounts for 11% of the cities revenue.

The small amount of retail we have accounts for 33% of our revenue which is 3 times as much.   Retail will help us with the added revenue we need to hire the much needed additional DPS officers and Fireman in which we are already behind due to the density push by our current City Leaders.

School expansions need time to catch up for our children in Fate.  There are already portable buildings on campuses.  Fate should not overcrowd the schools any further!   Population has grown much too fast!  Yet, the much needed infrastructure, schools, retail, fire/police are not growing to meet the needs of the high density growth.


2.  If elected, will you listen to the citizens of Fate and show respect to them, even if you don’t agree with them.


Of course. I listen even if I disagree. That is the only way we can build a city in the image the citizens who pay the taxes and utilize the services desire for their day-to-day needs.


3.  Why are you running for City Council?


I have spoken before the Fate City Council many times on various issues, (please note that you are held to a 3 mint minute speech before the Council), and along the way, I have met many, many people who feel the same as I do – not only do they feel that they are  not being heard, but their comments on issues are completely being gnored and dismissed.  We have seen in recent developments that the city is hiring people to lobby on behalf of the developers against anyone who does not agree with a given project.  In the light of information posted yesterday, a particular person was hired by the city on behalf of the developer to try and discredit those not in agreement with the proposed project while pretending to be merely a concerned citizen(s).

A lot of the citizens have concerns, but due to working out of the area, such as having family obligations, etc., do not have the time to attend City Council meetings, however, they do need their voices heard!  This is why we elect representatives who should be in the position to represent the will of the people, not just the local government staff and City Council members, the developer’s, etc.

When a large group of citizens tell the City Council what they want and expect as their elected “representatives” – those leaders should listen! 

That is their job and if elected that WILL be mine, to listen and vote in the best interest of you, our Fate citizens, and not just what the city leaders or what a few members of the City Council insist we follow their plans for the City.


The City continuously states,  “we had to vote as we did to do what’s best for the city.”   This response s used much too frequently as an excuse to vote on something that is not popular with the residents of Fate.  It is an overused repeated excuse!

For example, if the City was voting against several vocal people asking to have the city write everyone a check for $10k to use some extreme case.  In that case, of course, that is not in the best interest of the city, but all to often, our current City Leaders use it as an excuse to push their agenda of a differing opinion regarding the direction Fate should take and the City Council’s opinion is in the minority.


4. Why should people vote for you? This is only about the person answering, please don’t drag anyone through the mud. — with John Hamilton and 5 others.


In addition to the above, I have a proven track record.  Along with my wife, and a handful of very dedicated volunteers, we successfully gathered the required signatures for a Referendum, since the City Council refused to vote on time and time again in recent Fate history.  Fate was the only City in Rockwall County that did not have an Over 65 and Disabled Property Tax Freeze in place!  By gathering more signatures than needed (741 verified Fate registered voters), the Petition forced the Council to vote because they knew the Referendum would have passed during the ballot election last November.  The Petition to Freeze the Over 65 and Disabled Fate Property Tax aligned Fate with many other cities in Texas and across the nation to become a part of our Texas Constitution.

I have continued to advocate for a large, and I believe a majority group, that is not happy with the direction of Fate.  I agree undeveloped property owners have property rights, however, I believe a homeowner directly affected by new development should also have property rights as well, and I believe they are not being heard or protected.

New development has to fit the wants and needs of Fate as a whole.  The Citiy’s  “Comprehensive Plan” was not built with a Citizen’s Advisory Board, but rather was stacked with at least 10 of the 16 with current and former City Council members, former City Attorney and numerous soon to be P&Z members – not just average Fate citizens.

With that Board in place, the Fate Comprehensive Plan was passed by the City Council unanimously in Oct. 2021,  during the pandemic. That Plan needs to be categorically overhauled, scrapped, and redrawn by a Fate Citizens Board choosing the Fate Forward direction – not City Leaders.

I’m running not because I alone can change this, It will take two election cycles to elect enough votes on our current City Council to gain 4 or more votes to put us on the path to getting the retail we need, DPS, firefoghters, schools, roads, etc. and we are running out of I-30 property to build that high revenue, generating fundamental business that we need so deservedly to become solvent for the future and not continue to be forced to spend our sales tax revenue on Rockwall and Royse City.

If I have the privilege of receiving your vote, I will he [be] your VOTE, your VOICE.

The City of Fate s [is] ours and it should be our choices as to h how we move Fate Forward – not developers and not outside planners like Strong Towns (from Minnesota and a company called Verdunity, who Fate paid $315k to design our city as Strong Towns movement advocates) who utilize city planning to push social agendas disguised as economic policy.

Please like and follow me on my Facebook page @Mark Hatley for Fate City Council Place 5.

If you are interested in supporting me, we will be having yard signs available mid next week.

If elected, it will be my honor to work for you, listen to you, and representative you as your next Fate City Council Place 5 member.

Thank you for your questions.
