The ‘Other’ Candidate for Fate City Council Place 1.

The ‘Other’ Candidate for Fate City Council Place 1.

In February, we reached out to all candidates running for Fate City Council, requesting their platform statements or qualifications. While Codi Chinn and Mark Hatley promptly responded, Cinnamon Krauss was unable to do so within the designated timeframe, despite our granting of two time extensions. However, upon receiving Mrs. Krauss’s statement later on, we made the decision to publish it independently of the other candidates.

So now it’s time to discuss the other candidate for place 1, Heather Buegeler.

Mrs. Buegeler is a current council member and is running for re-election. However, saying “re-election” is not accurate because Mrs. Buegeler was never elected. Since she had no challenger, the election was subsequently canceled, and she became a Council Member by appointment, with not a single vote cast in 2021.

Before her appointment, Heather Buegeler ran in a previous election for council, competing against Christopher Ash. However, she only managed to secure 36.29% of the vote, resulting in her electoral defeat.

During her stint on the council, Buegeler has quite a record of controversial votes against the will of the people. The latest was to approve the Lafayette Crossing (Yu Tract) project that will provide an additional 1050 new apartments in Fate. Citizens overwhelmingly disapproved of this project and flooded the town hall on the night of the council vote. The outrage fell on deaf ears as the council voted 6 to 1 to approve it.

During the meeting, Buegeler launched into an unhinged tirade, admonishing citizens who dared to voice objections against the alleged collusion between city staff and the developer in pushing forward the project. She later went on to thank the people for coming out to voice their concerns and be involved … as she voted to support the very project the people were there to oppose. To witness the intensity of the exchange, you can view the recorded incident here:

(Editors note: The Fate Tribune investigation into the alleged collusion between the City and the Developers is still ongoing, and we will keep you posted as we make progress.)

Buegeler holds the positions of Franchise Owner at Liberty Tax and Chief Operations Officer at Money Smart Tools. However, her effectiveness in these roles is questionable. Despite years of service, Liberty Tax’s Facebook page boasts only 97 followers, while her Money Smart Tools page has a mere 21. This lackluster social media presence suggests that her promotional efforts as a business owner may be inadequate.

Then again, rarely does she support any business in Fate on social media. Her last public support for a business was on March 9, 2022, when she recommended Pantheon Pools. Before that, it was for a photographer on May 26, 2020…and they don’t even live in Fate. The photographer works out of Weatherford.

Buegeler’s engagement with social media appears to be minimal, particularly outside of election periods. A notable example is her political page,, where she did not make a single post from March 2021 to February 2024, indicating a lack of consistent interaction with citizens.

Conversely, her husband, Zachary Romans, is quite active on social media, frequently offering shrill rebuttals to individuals who criticize his wife or other council members, often without disclosing his familial relationship. Romans is a real estate appraiser who shares an office with his wife Heather.

It’s worth noting that public records reveal the couple received $23,728 in PPP loans to support their salaries during the COVID-19 pandemic, a loan subsequently forgiven by the government. While some may not view this information as pertinent, we believe it’s important for voters to have a comprehensive understanding of the candidates and their affiliations.

In conclusion, candidates who fail to engage with constituents, particularly those who voice opposing views, cannot claim to be true representatives of the people. It’s essential for voters to hold their elected officials accountable and to consider whether candidates’ actions align with the principles of transparency, accountability, and genuine representation.

Those who refuse to address questions or concerns from all members of the community should not expect to earn the trust and support of voters. As Fate residents head to the polls, they must choose candidates who demonstrate a commitment to serving the best interests of the entire community, not just a select few.

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