
Welcome to the Fate Tribune Sources Page

At Fate Tribune, we believe in providing our readers with transparent and accountable journalism. We understand the importance of backing up our articles and commentary with credible evidence. That’s why we offer access to the documents and sources that form the basis of our reporting.

Our Sourcing Principles:

  1. Verified Sources: We gather information from a variety of reliable sources to ensure the accuracy and integrity of our reporting. Before publishing any news story, we meticulously fact-check and verify the information by cross-referencing with reliable sources.
  2. Transparency: We provide links to the documents and sources used in our articles, allowing you to verify the information for yourself and assess the credibility of our reporting.
  3. Ethical Standards: We adhere to ethical standards in journalism. While our content is editorialized and opinionated, those opinions are formed based on facts which are provable with documentation or multiple sources.

Thank you for choosing Fate Tribune as your source for news, and thank you for your commitment to informed and accountable journalism.

Agenda & Minutes of City Meetings

City Documents & Email

Screenshot Images of Billings Connections to Strong Towns

Screenshots used in articles

Campaign Finance Reports

Reference City Website Archive at: